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Green Gang Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Water Install Greywater Catchment
    What are some of the things that water provides for you?

    Atul Singh's avatar
    Atul Singh 4/10/2019 1:30 AM
    You probably think you already know how to read your electric bill, but you ... This step is crucial: are you being charged for your monthly usage? ... Ensure you're correctly calculating the amount of power you use in a ... Many bills will break out your daily use, or simply show youhow .... Enter your zip code.

    Energy Heat and Cool Naturally
    What are other ways you could use the power of the sun to reduce your own environmental footprint?

    Atul Singh's avatar
    Atul Singh 4/10/2019 1:29 AM
    What are other ways you could use the power of the sun to reduce your own environmental footprint?

    Energy Power Down the Computer
    What are other easy things you could do to save energy and reduce your environmental footprint?

    Atul Singh's avatar
    Atul Singh 4/10/2019 1:29 AM
    Don't drive when there is an alternative! Walk, bike, or take public transport whenever possible. If you don't own and drive a car on average you can reduce your total ecological footprint by as much as 20 per cent. Using it less will reduce your footprint, helps to avoid traffic jam and keeps your citys aircleaner.